dimarts, 20 de desembre del 2011

The Charlie Daniels Band - Jesus Died For You

Lletra:                                                                       Traducció:
You may be down, you may be out          Potser et sents baix, potser et sents fora
With nothing to be glad about            Sense res per alegrar-te
But you can stand right up and shout     Però tu pots estar-te i cridar
'Cause Jesus died for you                Perquè Jesus va morir per tu!

You may think that you can't cope        Potser penses que no potser fer front
You may be drunk or hooked on dope       Potser estàs borratxo o enganxat a la droga
Believe me brother, you've still got hopeCreume germà, has de tenir esperança
'Cause Jesus died for you                Perquè Jesus va morir per tu!    

Maybe you ain't got a dime               Potser no tens ni un duro
You're standing in the welfare line      Estàs aturat a la línia del benestar
Or maybe you're in prison doin' your timeO potser estàs a la presó
But Jesus died for you                   Però Jesús va morir per tu!

Satan may have you in retreat
But you won't go down in defeat
'Cause you can sittin' in the mercy seat
'Cause Jesus died for you
He died for you, to complete salvation's plan  Ell va morir per tu, per completar el pla de la salvació
He died for you, He's got nail scars in His hands Ell va morir per tu, Ell té cicatrius dels claus a les Seves mans
He bore the cross, to sanctify the lost Ell a carregat amb la creu, per santificar els perduts
All you've got to do is believe it      Tot el que has de fer és creure en això
Get down on your knees and receive it   Posa't de genolls i rep això

You may think you're too far gone       Pots pensar que està massa lluny (del perdó)
You've sinned so bad you can't atone    Has pecat tant fort que no ho pots reparar
But bow your head and come on home      Però inclina el cap i vina casa
'Cause Jesus died for you               Perquè Jesús va morir per tu

This old world keeps falling apart      Aquest vell món segueix caient a trossos
But you don't have to let it break your heart Però no has de deixar que et trenquin el cor
You can make a brand new start          Pots fer un nou començament
'Cause Jesus died for you               Perquè Jesús va morir per tu
Now Satan is a mighty foe               Ara Satanàs és un enemic fort
But just stand firm because you know    Però has de mantenir-te ferm perquè tu saps
You've got a better place to go         Que tens un lloc millor per anar
'Cause Jesus died for you               Perquè Jesús va morir per tu

When there's trouble in the wind        Quan hi ha problemes al vent
Or when you face the bitter end         O quan arribes a les últimes conseqüències 
You can start all over again            Tu pots començar tot de nou
'Cause Jesus died for you               Perquè Jesús va morir per tu!

You can face death with a smile         Pots afrontar la mort amb un somriure
Laugh at all your troubles and trials   Riu-te'n de tots els teus problemes
Never have to walk another lonely mile  Mai caminis ni una milla més sol
Jesus died for you                      Jesús va morir per tu!

He died for you, to break the Devil's hold Ell va morir per tu, per trencar l'esperança del Dimoni
He died for you, to redeem your mortal soul Ell va morir per tu, per redimir la seva ànima mortal
Don't be afraid, 'cause you debt has done been paid No tinguis por, perquè el deute que debies ha estat pagat
You just come and do your best          Només vine i fes el millor
The Holy Spirit's gonna do the rest     L'Esperit Sant farà la resta
He died for you, to complete salvation's plan
He died for you, He's got nail scars in His hands
He bore the cross, to sanctify the lost
All you've got to do is believe it
Get down on your knees and receive it
Makes no difference how wrong you've been No importa el mal que has fet
How heavy is your load of sin           És pesada la càrrega del pecat  
The door's still open come on in        La porta és encara oberta, vine
'Cause Jesus died for you               Perquè Jesús va morir per tu!

Now you may think you're too far gone
You've sinned so bad you can't atone
Bow your head and come on home
'Cause Jesus died for you
Jesus died for you
Jesus died for you

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